Etoile is now Open!

Monday, October 24, 2011 10/24/2011


After 5 months closing our family, we are opening it once again for a month! Étoile members are currently 25 picos now. We are going to find 1-5 more picos to complete us and make it 30!!! The Étoile search will be an interview like. This is actually White's idea. Every video will be watched and judged by all Étoiles fairly so even you ask please, means, it wont work. This will be a FAIR search and esides, we made this event quite hard to minimize the applicants since it might be hard to manage. This event will end on November 22,2011 and the chosen Picos will be announce on Étoile Anniversary!

É Rules :

★ Must be Loyal
(In other wods, you can't join other pico family but clans/groups, it's fine)
☆ Must be Proud
★ We must be added on Facebook.

How to join:

☆ Like our page
★ Take a Video of the while recording the following information of you and upload it on youtube and response to this video : Étoile Search 2011
☆ On the description of your video. Put there your Pico name.
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★ For Facebook Users, you can upload your video or post your video link here: (
 For non-Facebook users but have youtube account, Upload it on youtube and make a response to this video (

Information we need:

☆ Put your Pico name (Make sure you won't change it, because we will be checking the name after the search)
★ Country (real country/state)
☆ VIP Number/PRB high number (if you are a member)
★ Who are your buddies in Étoile family.
☆ Why do you want to join our family?
     -tell your reason or story.. how did you know u feel.. something like that xD
★ If you have pictures with us, feel free to put it as well! If you don't have, well, we don't mind :)
☆ You can also add more information/stuffs like ur age, your room. your favorite dress,favorite decor.. Anything! Just do it on your way.

Things to remember:

☆ Only YOU, on the video, answering the things we wanted to know.
★ Make sure that you own everything you are going to show.
☆ Please do answer everything in the "information we need"
★ You may put designs on your video, JUST MAKE SURE it's clear and we could read it well
☆ Please use English language
★ Feel free to add back ground music on your video! It depends on you which you're comforted :)
☆ By joining this search means, you are agree with the simple Étoile rules.
★ Étoiles will NOT going to add buddies while this event is ongoing. -  Don't ask why.
☆ Make sure we could see your talk well, ZOOM IT IN.
★ Make sure that ur video is in "Public" so that eveyrone. every Étoile  can watch it.

★ No recorder? Download CamStudio or HyperCam here!
    -if you are lazy to download, you can just take pictures and make it as a video when you edit it on your video maker.
☆ I don't have video Maker!
    -if you are using Windows, check out on your start> All programs> Windows Movie Maker
    -you can also use online movie maker
★ I don't have any idea how to make the vid!
    -we will be posting a sample vid soon, just caml down ;)
☆ OMG! What to wear?
    -Anything. Your own style.
★ I'm having a hard time ti make vid ;(
    - you can use pictures and do slide show ^^
☆ Got more Questions? Ask us here! (

-Étoile Sisters
É Royal Family
MaiRie Étoile X MiaRi É

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