[New Fuser] Event Fuser in Castle Garden!

Saturday, September 10, 2011 9/10/2011

Hi, everyone! This is Captain Thomas! I have THE MOST exiting news today!
Our new fuser is waiting for everyone to be fused in Castle Garden!!! Fuse! Fuse!Fuse!

This time you can get super cute Cinderella items!!!!

*Carriage is not in this fuser, you will find it in Gacha.

These are the items you can get by fusing!!

Step1. Get Some yarns to fuse
Step 2. items you would like to fuse together

Step 3. You have received this item!

You can post the result on your wall!

*This costs 50 AG to fuse your items.

This is how you get to this area.

Have a Great Pico Life!!

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