Hi Guys!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 5/31/2011

Hey!Today I just added a chat box at the sidebar >.> ! Mind chatting with me? XD! First,Write your name and email and most important your message~ Well,Mind asking me something at the chat box so i'll reply you :D

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Thanks :3


Thank you for voting the poll.And I didn't really know that you guys are addicted to my blog XD that much for 50 of you.Muahh  :)

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Well,The poll close already right? XD. Many of us wanted trading system but pico don't fulfilled our wish right? ._. .Let's just pray hard to make our wish come true :D

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Pussycat Dolls

Monday, May 30, 2011 5/30/2011

  1. Rose Étoile a.k.a ♥Rσѕє Étoile♥
  2. Yumi Étoile a.k.a ♥♥YυмiÉtoile♥♥
  3. Rame a.k.a Rame★ 
  4. Nanami Lucia a.k.a Nanami♡Lucia
  5. Hanon Hosshou a.k.a Hanon Hosshou★


Pussycat Dolls Name

Ameba Pico Name

LeaderRose Étoile♥Rσѕє Étoile♥White Cat
AssistantNanami LuciaNanami♡LuciaBrown Cat
AssistantHanon Hasshuo  Hanon Hosshou★Black Cat
DesignerYumi Étoile♥♥YυмiÉtoile♥♥ Black Cat

*If you wanted to join feel free to ask us,but you have to have cat uniform.

                                                                                                            -The Pussycat Dolls

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Pussycat Dolls

Sunday, May 29, 2011 5/29/2011

Okay what Pussycat Dolls?Well,I made a clan just now and look at all of the clan members :) 
Left : Hanon,Yumi,Me (Rose),Rame & Nanami 

Leader : Me (Rose)
Assistant : Nanami & Hanon
Designers : Yumi and Rame

That's all Yumi is making a blog for us so stay tune!

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Brother ,Sisters & Friends Moment♥

Thursday, May 26, 2011 5/26/2011

Middle : From the left,Nicky,Me (Rose),Middle behind Yasuo,Beside Yasuo,Yumi

Pink dress : Rose (Me),Yumi blue dress x)

Miyuki pink dress Yumi in the middle red gothic me -_-

Twinnay,Yumi pink hair,Blondie me Rose XD

Pink leopard Yumi XDD
Me red dress (Rose),

That's all >:p

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Love for you ♥


Love for you? Huh,weird title LMAO. Nah it's not weird LOL XD ! Since some of you complain calling me update my blog here's one.

Here~~~ Well,Don't complain cuz i'm very busy. One more post coming up stay updated!

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Baby Couples

Friday, May 20, 2011 5/20/2011

Well,I open an adoption center for today only I saw a baby couples ~
aren't they cute ? XD

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Poll Extended.

Thursday, May 19, 2011 5/19/2011

Well you know the poll down there the side bar it has been extended! You still have 11 days as well ! Please vote thank you.

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....DO NOT


Well,Ya know the prom picture contest well many of you stole pictures? I don't wanna tell the names but i'm sorry to say that why do you guys have to steal pictures? I know you want to win but stealing pictures is not the way to win.If you steal people won't like you isn't it? Well,Even though you can't win..just keep on trying and NEVER GIVE UP. Please do not -

1)Don't Take people's blog as your blog
3)Do not steal people pictures
4) Don't hack
5)Don't say bad words in front of your friends even if they say to you bad words.Just ignore them.
6)Don't bully your friends.
7) Don't tease people
8)Don't be annoying ==ll
9)Don't be rude
10)Don't bug people to add you as buddy or you want to join people's family and etc.
11) Don't copy

Well that's all I want to say. Just DON'T do the things up there^

Thanks! Please repost the this in your blog if you have only this.Thank You again :)

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Well here we go again and yeah,Yesterday I gave you notice that today's the maintenance.Remember that maintenance is 2 hours and Angry Bird will company you well,I just came back from tuition as well tiring you know ... well that's all :)

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Prom Night

Wednesday, May 18, 2011 5/18/2011

Hello (; ! I didn't post for long isn't it? Yeah.Kinda busy with studies ya know :/ . Well never mind at least I get to post now.Well,Pico's Prom has come :)) that's what we're waiting for~~~ But...the dress are not really nice :(.I prefer last year's prom night dresses? But the decorations this year are nicer LOL~~ .

Tomorrow's Maintenance

Well,Tomorrow there's going to be a maintenance again well,if you're bored feel free to play angry bird? Click on Angry Birds that link will bring you to the Angry Birds game :)) . Well it's fun LOL pretty fun to me XDD.Well,as long as there is something to company you ~~~ Well the maintenance will at least last for 2 hours?
I hope they won't expand!  Have a great fun pico day ~~~ You can still enjoy ! Don't worry the maintenance is tomorrow x) well good luck Picos! Stay tune as always !

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New Pet

Saturday, May 14, 2011 5/14/2011

Hi! Rose here,Today I bought a white cat name Pearl :))

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Thank You


Thank you :) for staying tune to my blog and now my blogview is already 3000++ Thanks !!! Stay tune ;) oh and the poll will be gone soon please vote ! Love you all!

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Etoile Family

Thursday, May 5, 2011 5/05/2011


  1. White! Étoile a.k.a ♚King W!
  2. Yellow! Étoile a.k.a Yellow!
  3. MaiRie Étoile a.k.a MaiRie Étoile
  4. MiaRi Étoile a.k.a MiaRi Étoile
  5. MaRie Étoile a.k.a MaRie Étoile
  6. YaSuo Étoile a.k.a Yasuo Étoile
  7. Anna Étoile a.k.a Anna Étoile
  8. Amane Étoile a.k.a Amane Étoile
  9. Doki! Étoile a.k.a Lady Doki!
  10. BryWIJ Étoile a.k.a BryWIJ Étoile
  11. Nicky Étoile a.k.a ★Ni¢ky★Étoile★
  12. Neko Étoile a.k.a Neko-Reborn-É
  13. Matt Étoile ak.a Μ₳ΤΤ Étoile
  14. Jad Étoile a.k.a É.♥Jαd✞ƒυятнєя
  15. Tina Étoile a.k.a :]tina 'Etoile
  16. Romeo Étoile a.k.a ❈MR❈ Romeo É.
  17. Catgirl Étoile a.k.a Cat Étoile
  18. Chuu Étoile a.k.a Chu Étoile?
  19. Ranzi Étoile a.k.a ★ яαηzι Étoile
  20. Rose Étoile a.k.a Rose Étoile
  21. Maron Étoile a.k.a Maron Étoile
  22. Yumi Étoile a.k.a ♥♥YυмiÉtoile♥♥
  23. iDomo Étoile a.k.a iDomo Étoile
  24. Miyuki Étoile a.k.a Miyuki Étoile
  25. Nik Étoile a.k.a
  26. Crystal Étoile a.k.a ♥Crystal♥ ~ κξ
  27. Sexquisite Étoile a.k.a Sєxqυιѕιтє É
  28. Jean Royal Étoile a.k.a Jean Royal É
  29. Selly Étoile a.k.a ♆Selly Étoile♆


Étoile Name

Ameba Pico Name

KingWhite Étoile♚King W!Main
QueenYellow ÉtoileYellow!Main
R. Princess  ÉtoileMaiRie ÉtoileMain
Princess R.MiaRi ÉtoileMiaRi ÉtoileMain
Crown PrinceYaSuo ÉtoileYaSuo ÉtoileMain
R. PrincessMaRie ÉtoileMaRie ÉtoileMain
InfanteAnna ÉtoileAnna ÉtoileMain
R. PrincessAyame ÉtoileAyame ÉtoileMain
ChampionDoki! ÉtoileLady Doki!Main


Étoile NameAmeba Pico NameGeneration
Grand DukeBryWIJ Étoile BяyWIJ ÉtoileMain
Grand DuchessNicky Étoile ★Ni¢ky★Étoile★1st Gen.
Arch Duke Nekor É
Matt Étoile
Neko Étoile
2nd Gen.
DukeJad É. FurtherÉ.♥Jαd✞ƒυятнєяMain
DuchessTina Étoile:]Tina Étoile1st Gen.
MarquessRomeo Étoile❈MR❈ Romeo É.1st Gen.
MarchionessCatgirl Étoile
Chu Étoile
Catgirl Étoile
Chu Étoile
1st Gen.
2nd Gen.
MargraveRanzi Étoile★ⓇⒶⓃⓏⒾ  Étoile1st Gen.
MargravineJessica -Rose- ÉtoileRose Étoile2nd Gen.
CountMaron ÉtoileMaron Étoile2nd Gen.
Countess(Count)Yumi Étoile♥♥YυмiÉtoile♥♥2nd Gen.
EarliDomo ÉtoileiDomo Étoile2nd Gen.
Viscountess(Earl)Miyuki ÉtoileMiyuki Étoile2nd Gen.
ViscountNik ÉtoileNik Étoile2nd Gen.
ViscountessCrystal Étoile♥Crystal♥ ~ κξ2nd Gen.
FreheirSexquisite ÉtoileSєxqυιѕιтє É2nd Gen.
BaronJean Royal ÉtoileJean Royal É.2nd Gen.

*Note. We are not accepting any request from now on.

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My House

Sunday, May 1, 2011 5/01/2011

Hi~~~ I redecorate my house I turn it into a Dating Club want a pic? Sure.BUT dont copy it, ~
LOL It's really pink inside XD because it's a dating club LOOL well if you wanna come mind searching my name. Rose Étoile

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Unofficial Etoiles


We've been encountering unofficial Étoiles since last year and we think we have to do actions now because it's really WRONG.

    We are happy for having supporters/fans around and we really appreciate your support  but copying, owning, using someone's name is avery bad idea. If you are doing it for your own popularity or something. Don't use someone's name and better have your own originality. Stop using someone's idea.

    Since most of them are doing reckless things, using our to do bad stuffs, see the list of Official Étoiles Here.
    'Étoile' isn't just a family name but it is MaiRie Étoile and MiaRi Étoile's original name before we decided to make a family. So it mean's you are using someone's name which is not good.

    So if you are one of them or intending, we are pleasing to stop because we don't like what you are doing. not just me and my  twin but also the other Étoiles.

    If you saw  fake Étoiles, please let us know through messaging us on Ameba Pico or leaving a message on our Fan Page. Feel free to repost this to let everyone know~ Thank You!

    *Users that will be suspected that accusing will be posted in public immediately. We are asking for your understanding, Thank you!

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